Phew..... by the skin of our teeth again. We expected

to assume we were going to use a big deck again or aether based. I decided to make our darkness deck and hoped that we could outrush them with poisons and a little stall.
game 1 - lost the toss and was still in the chat screen when i heard the sound of an immolation and immediately thought...crap. This round was pretty much a wipeout and didn't even come close. My draw wasn't particularly good and didn't get any shields at all. I did steal his fog shield but that really didn't help seeing that i had 13 hp left and he had probably 30+ worth of dmg on the field and i still needed two more turns to finish him.
game 2 - lost the toss again and dema got 2 immolations out by the 2nd round. Fortunately for me i had 2 bonewalls in my hand.After he ate through my first bonewall with his creatures (he had 3 gnome riders + his lava golem and a graboid) i decided to hold on to the last bonewall until i had to use it. This worked to my favor and was able to damage him enough with my spider, mummy, and arsenic + poison to just finish him off.
game 3 - won the toss this time and dema managed to get 2 immolations out by the 2nd round again. This time though what probably killed him was him playing a jade staff. I stole it (got a dark pillar 1st round) and was able to stave him off with 1 bonewall a dusk shield and poison. Only got 1 mummy out but it was just enough to beat him. Dema didn't have a great draw and wasn't able to get enough creatures out early enough. He also didn't draw his fog shield or momentums in game's 2 and 3 when he needed them.
Good game Dema, got a bit lucky here but

will take it.
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