Closest match I've fought all War.
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 590 590 590 590 590 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c5 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5f6 5f6 5og 5og
Game 1Overwhelmed by Fractix. My lone AdrenaShrieker was too slow to stop the birds overrunning me. The game was over before I knew it. At least I learned he likely didn't have CC, so I didn't have to hold back for the second two games.
0 - 1
Game 2Same again, except a turn-1 Fog Shield stopped just enough damage before it was deflagged for me to chain a nova into a heal just before he could kill me. I really pulled that game out of my arse, and ended the match on 4HP.
1 - 1
Game 3OH GOD. Slow start for us both, except I got a turn-1 Fog Shield again. I deflagged a pillar hoping to slow him down but it had basically no effect.
Fractix came out, and beat me into the ground over the course of several turns. Fog Shield and Druidic Staff just about kept me in the running for my lone AdrenaShrieker to get him down to 30-odd HP, enough for another adrenaline to finish him off when he pulls out... a Phase Shield. Disaster!
I sit there like a lemon for two turns, with a deflag and an adrenaline in my hand, waiting to draw a nova to give me the second

I needed to take down his shield and win, or the single heal that could have saved me for the one more turn it would have taken for his shield to go down. But it never came. Failure to anticipate the Phase Shield cost me that final game - I wouldn't have bothered trying to deflag his pillars had I known.
Although to be fair, if I'd pulled that one out of my arse as well I think kev could be justified in being upset to lose the match to Hax Shield. I will never underestimate that shield ever again.
1 - 2
Good games, all three. I'm really surprised that it went that close to the line.