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Not nearly enough Light quanta in this.
Game 1: I got a Phoenix and a Crimson Dragon due to an immolated photon and the phoenix. mrpaper started with no pendula or any novas, and I rushed before he could he get could get much out, deflagging his sole Dimensional Shield.
Game 2: I had all three Miracles in-hand, and nowhere enough light quanta to use any of them, thanks to no Light Pillars, and my Light Pendula got Earthquaked. I couldn't get enough out to counteract the Momentum'd Shrieker and Stiletto.
Game 3: Only two Miracles, this time. Two immos when I finally drew a photon, and I got a Phoenix, a Crimson Dragon, and a Stiletto out in one turn, and deflagged the Dimensional Shield thrown down to save himself. Without it, his Poison and Shrieker were too slow.
Good games, mrpaper of Aether.