Uh yeah. I lost a relic because of that. Also, 40-50% of the time this matchup never goes to game 4, which could've been even more relics. I mean yes, I should've gambled 3-1 but still. Also, you guys said in chat that this deck isn't a counter. Idk what you consider a counter then. 70% winrate is considered extremely high in essentially any form of competition across the globe. That's high enough to reach postseason in just about every sport. It's high enough to reach the top 1% of a ladder based matchmaking system fairly quickly.
Also 60% winrate over 5 games. 70% winrate over 20 games. Take the sample size to 5000 games, and there's a high chance simulator (which predicts about 78%) is very accurate. These decks are not hard to play and the AI will only misplay about as often as a normal human might when considering whether to miracle or not. It probably misplays my deck quite often, playing a discord when there's already a discord in play instead of saving for antimatter. If you don't trust simulator, plug it in yourself. Look at how it plays for 1 game and then plug in 10,000 games. Also, this myth about switching "deck 1" and "deck 2" to get different percentages isn't true. I tried that, it altered stats by less than 1%. Xenosim isn't always accurate, but it's not 20% inaccurate, especially if the decks are pretty straightforward.