This was, quite frankly, a huge mess of a match. Terro and Rastafla disconnected three times, at which point I offered to step in for Rastafla. Terro and I then played and disconnected SEVERAL times, although one of those times I completely and utterly destroyed his AI three to four turns after the disconnect because my Discord prevented any Phase Shield stalling and I had three dragons out. After a while, Terro had to leave (we still had yet to complete a game), so Azumi stepped in. We were able to complete a game that was long and drawn out, but the short story version is that I forced him to chain Dimensional Shields before he wanted to, so I was able to last a couple of turns at the end and finish him off. There was no way that he could win other than to deck me out, and I had all the tools to deal with whatever he had, so Azumi conceded the match.
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