Okay, I'm just going to say something now to see if I can help clear some stuff up.
First of all, there were several reasons why we suicided against

3 Main reasons:
1. Toimu13 randomly left. This means that we would be forced to sub the match. The most we could win if I subbed in this match is 3 cards.
2. Our vault was extremely strained. We had to suicide SOMEWHERE, or we would be forced to put a ton of dead cards in other decks, or even face having all of our decks illegal.
3. Entropy is the strongest team right now, and in terms of matchups, any type of denial deck that they decide to field against us will destroy us, regardless of what kinds of decks we could build. Looking at the deck they decided to use, there was essentially no way we could win. Even if we did play to win, we would have to build such a good deck that it wouldn't be worth it.
These 3 reasons together make up why we chose to suicide against entropy.
Then, the actual contents of the deck. I was busy the last day of deck-building, so I'm not entirely sure what happened. After looking through though, it seems to me like we ran out of time and just threw in whatever we had left. I see no discussion on the actual contents. I believe what happened was we decided what we were going to convert first (Bad move on our part IMO) and just put everything left into the suicide deck. I myself wasn't part of the decision, but it seems like we just ran out of time and it just happened.
Anyways, what's done is done, this is what happens whether you like it or not.
You can flame all you want, but honestly, nothing good is going to come from it.
Just about every post so far in this thread that disfavors the decision is more or less saying "This was a horrible situation, this was horrible strategy, Team Aether made a bad move."
As much as I hate the flaming, so far, I don't see anyone disagreeing. It was a team decision to suicide against entropy, but at the same time we know as a team that we made a bad choice of cards.
So, until someone steps up and honestly says that we made a good decision of cards to give away, I suggest we drop the subject, because
there is no point in having an argument where everyone agrees.