ggs, matches were extremely close, iirc I won all coin tosses except in the first game.
Deck used:
Cloaked Nightmare Flying OEs with Dagger Splash for PC bait or somethingHover over cards for details, click for permalink
5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5up 5v1 5v1 5v2 5v2 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n7 7t8 7t9 7tb 7tb 8pr
Game 1
Mediocre start, but when YoungSot wastes the only Deflag/Explosion he draws on the Cloak all his creatures started having a 10% hit rate vs Duck. Not bad.
Game 2
An early weapon got blown up and I didn't get quanta early enough to snipe the big fat Golem in time.
Game 3
Starting from this game I remember getting the Shockwave in starting hand every single time, which is excellent to deal with the first golem, significantly slowing Sot down and giving me time to set up my EEs. Cloaks didn't feel like getting in my hand early though and by the time I drew them it was too late and my field got destroyed.
Game 4
Horrible quanta start for YoungSot, I chose to enhance the suffering by continuously sniping MPs and Stealing the one Pillar. Although with the right cards YoungSot could almost have made a comeback at 1 hp, it was not meant to be so.
Game 5
Epic draw for both sides. Duck was trolling a bit again, but not even for 50% and only late game. YoungSot just couldn't keep any Golems alive without any BBs to deal with my flying EEs. Flying Dagger got bolted, but to no avail.