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I made a last minute decision to mess with the quanta producers ratio and including two Improved Dusks instead of Towers.
Game 1: Pretty nice hand for me. Even though I was careful with pillars due to expecting Earthquakes, I got out an early Dusk. It got deflagged because it was annoying. I'm glad; it meant my Cloaks were more likely to remain intact. They did, this game. He rushed with Shriekers, Phase Spider, and a Fractal, flinging Lightning at me near the end in an attempt to narrowly beat out my healing. It almost did the trick. I ended this game with 2HP and five vampires under the influence of adrenaline, safe beneath my Cloak.
Game 2: Good amount of pillars and pends in starting hand. I played Dusk early to again try to attract an early Deflagration, but deuce played it smart and saved them for the Cloaks. After waiting for quanta and the combo, I played two adrena-vamps under a Cloak. The first Cloak expired without much excitement, but the Cloak played to chain after it met a swift end. Lightning smote my Vampires, and I hid in the Dusk, replacing it with its brother after a deflag, desperately searching through my deck for the vampires to go with the Adrenaline in my hand. deuce's Shriekers had a similarly difficult time finding me as I drew pillar after pillar, pend after pend. Eventually, my HP ran out.
Game 3: Fair quanta draw in the starting hand. Graboids were played, I played Dusk, Graboids evolved, I waited, more creatures were played, I waited... I played two adrenaline vampires under a Cloak and it remained intact as I watched my HP bar go back and forth. The second Cloak arrived, and with it, the mythical Nightfall card! The second Cloak went up in flame and more Lightning struck down both of my vampires. At one point, I played two adrena-vamps without a Cloak when he had 28HP, hoping he didn't have two more Lightnings. He did, but he was now down to 4HP. I hoped I would draw my Dagger as he cursed my h4x shield and instead drew a vampire. I played it and he was down to 1HP. Would he draw a Lightning? I waited as his turn progressed, hoping as much as I could that the answer was 'no'. He ended his turn and my vampire was still there. I celebrated.
Good games, deuce22 of Aether. This could have easily been your win.
...And whatever happened to that Dagger?! I didn't see it in any of the games. If anyone sees it, tell it that it's fired.