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4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 55t 55t 55t 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 595 595 595 595 595 59c 5aa 5lg 5up 5up 5up 5v0 5v0 77g 77g 77g 7tb 7tb 7tg 8pt
We played a dummy match and it went smoothly. Won in 5 turns.
1st: Loss
My toss, got plenty of quanta and BB's, even a couple Grabbys. A flying Dagger made me think *aw crap*. But a BB took care of it. And of the Dragon. And the other Dragon. ~and... RNG, where are the dolls and pulls??
2 HP left, BB's wasted, and still not pull or doll? aw, I can't be THAT mean, here, have a Dolly =) trolololaw thanks.
2nd: Loss
My toss, got plenty of quanta, a pulldoll and nothing else... for pretty much the whole game.
When I was down to 30 HP, I managed the pulldoll with 40 HP, and next turn RNG was kind enough to give me another BB.
That didn't really kill him at all.
3rd: Loss
His toss, got 3 steals, 3 pillars and 2 daggers.
Luckily I'm playing a darkness duo and got here quite an awesome start. Ohwait, no I'm not.
At least RNG gave me 2 Grabbys with 2 Novas later on and a random Dolly without any BB's.
yeah, I admit it, I still haven't built the altar or sacrificed a random goat or something to RNG. Sry team, an angry god is angry and doesn't like to give me the cards needed to win.
Serves you right! now go and sacrifice me that thing to your left.Uh the courtain?
No, the other thingThe radiator?
No you maggot, grovel before my awesomeness! I mean the other left.It's cockroach, not maggot -.- also the other left is called right. And there is a door. You want me to burn it or something?
Bwoahaha! Yes, sacrifice everything! haha! and then lose the next 10 billionmillionquadridoxdumdidambambillion matches. Then I'll make you win the next one. I promise 
*sigh* anyway, ggs theelkspeaks! Would've been fun to trapkill you at least once