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Game 1: Early Eternity for me, only 1 snova for him. I was able to rewind his creatures and thus survive until I played the air dragon and later the pharaoh.
Game 2: 2 snovas, 1 nova, graboid, quint and mid-game discord on his side, no weapons on my side
I was unable to play anything but procrastination until the last turn when I played a dragon to prevent him from EMing
Game 3: 2 snovas, early discord and 2 graboids on his side, along with a spirit he quinted right away. I played a flying eternity and an eagles eye which prevented him from evolving his grabs, and eventually dealt with the grabs but it was too late for me. The discord and spirit dealt enough damage, while the burrowed graboids also did a bit here and there...
Also, there was a point when I knew he has a deflag in hand (precog'ed), and I played both procrastination and EE (Eternity was already flying). He deflagged procrastination. Probably a good choice, though I'd have lost either way probably.
Epic games.