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4vj 4vj 4vj 5rg 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5uo 5us 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 77i 77i 7q0 7q5 7q5 7t8 7tb 8pt
I expected this to drag out for longer. Oh well. I'd like to say the matches were entertaining or something. But when you're facing a stall with this deck, you'll find out both are filled with dead cards. And gameplay will just be "click pillars. click sov. click end turn. if drain life can kill, drain life."
Don't get me wrong, I was on the edge of my chair the whole time, but it just wasn't that passionate of a match. I think I need more passion in my life, before my heart turns to
whoa spooky happy halloween y'all.
Game 1, earth mark 40 cards. Oh well, looks like I'm facing Fallen Druid PU rush second round in a row. I don't get many SoVs, he doesn't get many quanta. He suddendly drops a gavel 10 turn in. (what). At 20 cards in, I still have 4 SoVs in the deck. We're in for a bumpy ride. I get a vagger down, but turns out he has diss, so it's not like it's gonna be a win condition any time soon. This also means I can't use the drainlife to keep my health up as clutch situation. Luckily, dusk comes down. I have 3 cards left in deck, and he sits at 4 HP, I have about 15 dark quanta. At that point he had used 2 stoneskins already, but due to the lack of starting quanta, he didn't manage to cut me apart well with those, and I can drain life my way to victory.
Game 2, he gets a turn 2 gavel, I go with a turn 4 vagger. His quanta draw is okayish, my SoV draw is pretty balanced (i.e. about 1 every 5 cards). Turns go by, he stone skins twice. SoVs continue chipping at this health, and at some point in time he's down to 1 HP when I SoV, and he has no diss shield up. This means vagger can act as a win condition. Go guess.
Game 3, I get a good amount of SoVs early, and he gets some quanta. He gets a gavel on turn 5/6 (I had 17 cards left in deck), I never play a vagger. Come me having left 11 cards in the deck left, I still have 93 HPs. If it mattered, this would've been some pretty heavy Haxx shield shennanigans. His diss means I'll need drain life. Thinking he doesn't have 6 stoneskins in deck, possibly four, after he used two I get ready to make a draw rush for the drain life and the kill. Turns out it's not needed, because it's the next cards.
Ggs, cccombobreaker, I hope to meet you in the future with some more interactive matchups