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5l8 5l8 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5la 5la 5la 63a 63a 61r 61r 61r 61t 61t 61t 61t 624 624 7k2 7k2 80d 80d 8pu
Game 1: I find him, without him even searching.
Game 1: I find him, wit- OK, we find each other and here it goes! Lightning'd down Dragon, Fractix Fract'ing 'nixes, standard business into standard desynch. I pound AI into the ground, but apparently on his side he though PU'ing Minor Pheonix and Lightning at random times is a good idea.
Game 1: I Mulligan, only 2 Pends is not a good draw.
Game 1: He Mulligans, only 2 Pends for me again.
Game 1: No Dragon/Fractal in first 10 cards means it goes into the late game. I PU Dragons, Dim and Silence. Standard win. 1 - 0
Game 2: 1 Pillar. FML. He goes on and places 4 Pends, draws Fractal at the perfect time and masses 'nixes. I Miracle, dim, Silence, topdeck Silence for the perfect win.
Game 3: RNG really trying to prove Aether can win. 7 Pend Draw, turn 4 Fractal, more Fractals asap, clutch Miracle gets me to 100 HP - 2 rounds of HP. Dim keeps me alive and then I get 2 Dragons out. He's at 80. Dim, he's at 20. He Lightnings Dragon, but I get the quanta to win with another.
GGs, and good luck in rest of War TM and Team Aether!
P.S.: 5 upps, yay