Pffff, War Matches are bad for my nerves, especially when the rest decides I have to be their Point, and my overly tested deck losses it's first match.
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SnoWeb (ingame, at the start of the first match): "May the light be with ... us"
First match - SnoWebI didn't know what to expect, but my testing had shown scorps were beaten best by just decking them out or bolting them for the win. For some reason my draws haxed me: seriously low on pendulums (had a third miracle in hand, but couldn't play it), and no purifies at all. I lost with SnoWeb having 3 cards left. If I would have had some earlier bolts, game might have went the other way.
Second match - The dictatorThis time SnoWeb got a really slow draw, with only one pendulum, so the first scorp appeared at turn 6. Now I new (or highly suspected) the deck to have only 6 creatures I decided I could bolt the scorps and use one of the other two bolt to freeze the eternity for a deckout. Not really what SnoWeb expected, so I froze the eternity at 3 cards left, and made sure the crusaders couldn't get reverse time.
[17:49:40] SnoWeb [»] the dictator: what are the odds of having the weapon frozen?
[17:50:12] the dictator [»] SnoWeb: 30%, +5% for each extra damage
[17:50:21] the dictator [»] SnoWeb: so 100% with 60 water quanta
Third match - The dictatorAs expected after that question, SnoWeb started rewinding his deck at 15!!! cards left, so I couldn't win by freezing the weapon. Luckily I hadn't wasted any bolts so I could just build quanta and wait until I had enough for a one turn kill.
This went smootely as I got enough miracles and purifies to keep my hp's high and the poison counts low, while SnoWeb kept rewinding his scorps. I the meantime we (Team Water) created a special damage chart in our private chat, on how much quanta with how much bolts, and with a morning star up. Most interesting were 92 quanta for 5 bolts + star and 114 quanta for 4 bolts + star.
And I just kept waiting and building quanta, and wondering what would appear first, the fifth bolt, or th 114 quanta. I the end it was the fifth bolt, but I was screening, so the computer ended the turn for me
Then, one turn later, I finally could bolt him.
[18:19:05] the dictator: finally
[18:19:32] SnoWeb: after an eternity
SnoWeb, you were an awesome opponent, and made it seriously hard on me, but my deck was too much of a counter.