Ok, when I go through the possible scenarios, I don't really understand how the AI refusing to play a deflag could have had any influence on the match, assuming the desync took place exactly one turn before SV's victory.
So, questions for the two players:
Are you sure the desync ocurred one turn before SV's presumable victory?
For Sir Valimont: The turn you won, did you actually press spacebar and get the winner's screen? Or did you see your attack was lethal and left? Because when the attack leaves the opponent on 1 life, it sometimes looks like you kill him that turn if you don't look very carefully..
For Klaymore: This is a chatlog of ElementsChat of when the incident occurred.
[15:13:01] Sir Valimont: this matchup is about me getting unlucky I assure you
[15:13:37] Acsabi44: 1-1 ?
[15:13:46] klaymore: no

[15:14:40] Sir Valimont: phew
[15:14:50] Sir Valimont: klaymore: you needed as many bonds as possible to win
[15:14:58] Sir Valimont: that game I picked voodoo only 20 cards into deck
[15:14:59] klaymore: I know : O
[15:15:02] Sir Valimont: good match[15:15:10] Sir Valimont: well your strategy was good then

[15:15:33] klaymore: well this round is not over is it?
[15:15:49] klaymore: I see you desyncing ..?[15:16:16] klaymore: Valimont ?
[15:16:22] ddevans96z: screenshot?[15:17:17] klaymore: lol I'm not sure how to take one how do I do that?
[15:17:35] Acsabi44: by the prontscreen button on your computer
[15:17:44] Acsabi44: *printscreen
[15:18:20] Acsabi44: then open an MSPaint or something
[15:18:26] Acsabi44: and paste the screenshot then save it.
[15:18:50] Acsabi44: upload it on imagehost then copy the link here.
[15:21:57] Thatnewguy: SV posted the win
[15:22:26] Theonlyrealbeef: hey 9270984, hrmmm, wolfunit (sneaky lurkers

[15:22:35] Sir Valimont: oh holy crap
[15:22:39] Sir Valimont: I'm sorry I just saw this
[15:22:49] Sir Valimont: is there a problem ?
[15:22:53] Sir Valimont: I was in the other window
[15:23:00] Sir Valimont: Did it desync for you before victory ?
[15:23:03] Acsabi44: klaymore is posting some screenie
[15:23:14] klaymore: well our last match I saw you desync
[15:23:17] Sir Valimont: what's the problem now ?
[15:23:27] Sir Valimont: oh ?
[15:23:31] Sir Valimont: on the last turn ?
[15:23:36] klaymore: yeah then i kinda won against AI...
[15:23:40] klaymore: yea
[15:23:50] klaymore: i'll post the screenie right away..
[15:23:56] Acsabi44: post that screenie then, klaymoreWhy did you keep playing against the AI despite the warmaster asking for a screenshot and one member immediately posting instructions how to do it?
General question: Is it possible that a bug caused SV to see his win while Klaymore saw himself surviving? I mean you never know with those stupid Voodoo Dolls, right?