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52g 52g 52q 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 622 622 622 624 710 710 713 713 713 713 72i 72i 80l 8pu
Event card -

Game 1 - Off the Aether mark I thought it would be AntlionTal. I had the Psion in had but learned from Rob that I probably shouldn't play it. Turn 2 arse forced an early dim from him, which blocked everything. Then nothing happened for a long time. Suddenly he plays a Shreiker and PUs it. I throw up a Dim, he retaliates with a Quint and a SoW. Wot? I broke his Dims with Silence and threw everything at him but couldn't pull off enough damage. His Dims start up again and it's over.
Game 2 - Knowing what his deck was, I just tried to go all out with damage, but he still had Dims everywhere. As soon as he gets enough enough quanta he plays a Shrieker, Quint and 2 SoW, meaning I'm dead in 5 more turns. I tried to Fractal the Psion but couldn't do it soon enough.
Game 3 - 1 Pillar start with all 3 Fractals in hand. I got a couple early Spiders and the Psion out once the quanta picked up, but by that point he had 2 Shrieker out, one with SoW. Dims took up all my Aether quanta so I could never play the Fractals or the Silence, not that the latter would have made a difference. Lost with all 3 Fractals still in my hand.
GGs Avenger, well played on your part. The curse continues...