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4sa 4sa 4sa 4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 55u 58o 58o 58o 58s 58v 58v 590 590 590 5c1 5og 61q 778 778 778 77a 77a 77f 77g 7q4 7q4 8pl
Pulvybow vs. Grabbies w/ a Gas Problem
Game 1:
Good draw for me, didn't get much quanta for rainbow stuffs but I didn't really need it. Rushed him down. He showed a late steal, letting me know that he had a fair bit of PC this round. I knew I needed to play for speed over control. I hit through fog quite a bit the last couple of turns. 1-0.
Game 2:
Total fail draw for me. Had all this CC in hand but no quanta to play it with. Stared at stuffs while it pinged my health down turn by turn while I drew no rainbow quanta. 1-1.
Game 3:
Better draw. Drew a nice balance of control/damage etc. I don't remember much of what happened here, but I think I drew enough CC to make it a really comfortable win. 2-1.
Game 4:
Good draw on both sides. It started off really even until he made an epic move halfway through. He played an air nymph the turn after I had lighning'd a grabby and then stole my pulvy. I had no way to stop him from pooping UG all over my face. 2-2.
Game 5:
Said a little prayer to the RNG goddess here and then did a little dance when I saw I had an opening hand that there was pretty much no way for him to recover from. I was able to play a turn 1 golem + forest spirit and a turn 2 Pulvy to deal with his freshly played fog shield. Followed by a turn 3 golem. His turn 3 Air Nymph and Grabby came much too late for my early damage. I continued to pile on with another couple of grabbies of my own before winning in 6 turns. 3-2.
Kind of surprised this deck hasn't lost yet for us, since it is so subject to lulzy draws, but it is nice to see its variants keep on trucking.
Great games Perve. It was a lot of fun and you got my heart racing. Good luck to you and Team Air the rest of war.