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4sm 4sm 4sm 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58v 595 595 595 595 59c 59c 59c 5aa 5aa 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77f 77f 8pl
game 1 LOSS
He gets steal for pulvy immediately, lots of dials, dusk, 1 turn from win for several turns, never saw another pulvy
game 2 WIN
Early pulvy sticks, he has no steal, so I win easily. Looks like this is how games are determined; does pulvy appear and get stolen or not?
game 3: LOSS
A slightly late Pulvy is stolen, but get a 2nd,it's stolen too, so I lose to dial chain. Had one turn where a bad dusk would've snuck a win in, but otherwise no chance.
game 4: LOSS
Pulvy is stolen, 2nd pulvy comes way too late, it's also immediately stolen.
[23:46:18] dragonsdemesne [»] DoubleCapitals: if you don't have at least 4 steals, i will statistically rage :p
[23:46:22] DoubleCapitals [»] dragonsdemesne: ggs man
[23:46:26] dragonsdemesne [»] DoubleCapitals: ggs
[23:46:29] DoubleCapitals [»] dragonsdemesne: you may rage
[23:46:50] dragonsdemesne [»] DoubleCapitals: 3 pulvy so 3 steal should be even odds if it sticks, and it stuck 1/4 times :p