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5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5ut 5ut 61o 61o 61o 61o 61t 61t 622 622 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 7ta 7ta 7td 8pt
Game 1First turn Discord (3 Novas in starting hand) for him, 5 Pends for me. I stole his Discord, only to have him play another. I did get to fractal my devs, which he followed by nightmaring his Anubis. Bad draw for him, though, as he wasn't able to play any more creatures. Eventually I played a Dim Shield, got lockdown, and fractalled vamps for the win.

1 - 0
Game 23 Novas & Discord on first turn (again!), and I wasn't able to get even close to lockdown. In hindsight, I probably should have fractal'd my vamps instead of devs, but with only 3 open slots in my hand (clogged full of nymphs, thanks to Nightmare), it wouldn't have changed the outcome of the game. 2 GotP's and an Anubis finished me off.

1 - 1
Game 33 pend start, no discord on turn 1. Yay! Turn 2 discord and a hand clogged with Fractals and Dim Shields. Boo! He got a decent number of creatures down and I never got enough quanta for a Fractal.

1 - 2
Game 4Turn 2 Discord, only 3 Pends to start. Got GotP's nightmared on me, but a timely Dim Shield and stealing his Discord let me build the quanta I needed to Fractal my Vamps - got the EM.

2 - 2
Game 5Things were really tense going into this game. I felt like a Discord/Nightmare deck was a decent counter to a Fractal deck and I just barely got by on my 2 wins. Undefeated so far this War, and my team was undefeated so far this round, so I was really worried all that would come to an end this game. So it began...
After 5 turns, I still hadn't seen a Discord. This gave me plenty of time to build up my quanta, which is so important in Devtal. I got a Dim Shield down to protect me from the inevitable Discord. This gave me time to Fractal my Vamps and get the win.

3 - 2

Epic match, one of the most fun I've ever played. Thanks for being a great opponent, inthisroom!