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1st Game: Pretty good start, Devourer really slowed him down. Got my first Fractal on my 19th card, but he only had 1 Dragon and a Discord out. I had so much Darkness Quantum I Fractaled Vampires and won in the next 2-3 turns.
2nd Game: Seemed like a good start, but after about 15-20 cards, I had no Devourers or Fractals. His dragons and shields got me down to 22hp and we disconnected. I gave him the win even though I had Dusk Mantle out because he had 3 Dragons and Discord vs my 3 Vampires and Stiletto.
3rd Game: Fractaled Devourers and locked him down.
We didn't think Steal would be worth it vs Team Light, but you might pack PC vs us, so I took extra Stilettos. An extra shield might have saved me the 2nd game. And I should really have taken 4-5 Fractals, 3 just isn't enough.
Great games!
*Puts on McHammer pants and turns up the volume*