Kael's deck:
he went to bed 
Thx Guy_fawkes
Deck concept: Light was going to play stall, dragons or Immo Phoenix. Decided creatureless option would retard any any CC they used. In testing the deck won every game.
Round 1: Ryan Bailed, supposedly a Time Out, I had great start and was a bit angry because of it and being tired waiting up to sync up a game and then being up at 5am. He didn't seem to have a Immo phoenix trick in his first 2 turns. Leaving a game because you got a bad start is not a reason to claim desync or timeout. I may have fought for this game in my favor but no need when the other two games where clean.
Round 2: Before getting going made sure that any time out was dealt with properly, no need for cheats here. Got a very bad opening, and was forced to use a Drain life on a phoenix to survive a round, missed a miracle and a sundial and a drainlife in the last 6 cards. Couldn't last and couldn't hit the 50% higher critical because a wasted DL.
Round 3: Fair start was going well, no keys left to hold out last 4 cards had 2 miracles a sundial, and a dagger. Was very unlucky. Would have made it if I didn't use steal 2 turns earlier as it put me below the threshold of drain by 2 points whic would have put me into a miracle likely.
I was real tired and had a headache so just said bye and went back to bed. Cause I had to work today.