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a lot of drama happened,but after warmasters call game was 1-1.
game 3 needs to be verified from someone in Time since Jen dissapeared 1 turn before loss
Here is screen :
http://imgur.com/uk3x5will post more battle details once this is final
EDIT: Ok battle details now
Game 1 : subbed by SnoWeb, won by time, rushed him,brought him down to around 10 hp,couldnt kill him because of sanc healing and procrastination halving my damage.Slow loss for me
Game 2,Early discord and deflag denied sanctuaries,drags and abominations finished him easily
Game 3 : Subbed by Jen-i .Did not draw a deflag till halfway of the game,I had all of my creatures rewinded by eternity until I had a delfag,mass played all of my drags and abominations once i deflaged the eternity ,luckily before endowing it,slowly killed him
Bad games overall