This was not the deck I was planning to take 24 hours ago. But I was tossing and turning and a different deck came to me in a dream. Prophetic? Not sure, but it's a good thing I switched since it looks like they had a nice counter all planned out.
Overall, a clean match, no desyncs. Slow starts on both games but miracles and luciferase showed up on time for me. When I saw

mark, I was sweating a fire shield or RoF that thankfully never showed. Did not even worry about toadfish till they showed up.

The deck has potential for 19 light-creating creatures, yet toadfish keep the number at well below 6 for most of the battles.
Deja Hope or "death by a thousand cuts"
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5la 5lh 5li 5li 5lj 5lj 5lj 5lj 5lk 5lk 5lk 5lm 5lm 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5rh 5rh 5rh 5rh 5rh 5rh 8ps

Game 1: Photons and deja vus trickle in slowly but magically so do
both of his Toadfish

. Hope never stays >3 for long, sanctuaries get exploded as soon as they are played (I delayed playing them hoping he'd take out a pendulum but he was too smart for that) and his purify negates a large fraction of my fighting force...... but my

quanta tap never gets turned off so I can miracle enough to give the Morning Star long enough to finish him. I'm left thinking "Dragon? What dragon?"
Decent start....

...toadfish? Seriously? This will NOT be a walk in the park.

Had to use miracle #1 sooner than I wanted to just to stay in the game.

Miracle #2 spent, just hoping my little guys can whittle him down--and they finally do.

Game 2: He has a brilliant start, 2 phoenix out early and a nightmare to boot so I have more phoenices than he does for most of the match. Thankfully, my little guys come out and hope blocks significant damage for a couple of turns. At one point I have to decide on miracle vs dragon--I went with miracle. He runs out of

so my little soldiers stay put and then big daddy dragon finally shows up to kick the doors down.
Vinvick gets a much better draw is able to rush properly

But this time 6 little munchkins manage to stop the bleeding with a little Hope

I panicked a little and couldn't do simple arithmetic quickly, so I chose miracle over dragon just to play it safe.

Welcome to the party, Mr. Dragon. His appearance pretty much sealed the game at this point

Superfluous purify is followed by superfluous miracle + luciferin in the wrong order so no EM. Derp.

GGs, Vinvick3714. If it makes it any better, you perfectly countered my original deck.