usual reservation post. I'll swear this will be updated by the end of the round.
In case, deck
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rt 5rt 5rt 5rt 5rt 5rt 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 7ri 7ri 7ri 8pj
Oh sorry for being late with summaries. I had to go get drunk/go get chocolate/go get girls/go get a movie. And I ended up forgetting about this.
And I think anyone who wants to know how the game went should use the video. It's a pretty good resource.
If you just want to read about my post-game antics, you should find a different pasttime. Not because I'm going to stop writing. Possibly because I've ran out of things to say.
Or because quoting the same things over and over will get tiring after a while.
Or, because I'm not going to write forever.
War will end, and so will my post match summaries. And one day we will die and our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea.
yes. i did it. That said, the games. I hope to not remember things wrong. But then again if you want precision go watch the videos what the hell are you doing here. I'm biased. And it's nice to be.
The result may not completely reflect that the games were close.
Game 1: 40 cards, fire quanta, life mark. I guess this is fallen druid PU rush. Pretty early scorp, some early cord, or not. Whatever. The first scorp is a pretty small one and gets bolted down asap. The neurotoxin's enough, anyway. More scorps mean more neuro, but it takes a while to get a second in. thinking that I will be going late and I have to discard something, I decided to discard a discord as I had one more in hand, and one in play already. I end up with a buffed dune sitting in play. Keeping RT will prove to be a winning choice, since I will win on the last possible turn. Helston says he would've won if he played fahren. Possibly, fahren would've been pretty scary if the match went on as long as it did. Edge of the seat mode on. I win thanks to bouncing back and forth one dune and have a second one live and attack.
Game 2: Turn 2 fat scorp, turn 3 cord. It does stack up nicely. Getting a scorps above the 6 health limit will be hard for him to deal with, as it will take either a lot of quanta and turns, or more than 1 bolt, meaning less ability to clean up following scorps. He got a lot of SoGs this game don't quote me on that. scorps still too mean.
Game 3: uh I don't remember. just. watch. videos. They're there for a reason. Seriously.
Now we're talking.Yeah, but we still got a lot of way to go.
Ggs, Helston.