Crazy intense games which were unfortunately made less splendid towards the end due to desyncs.
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4sn 5bs 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 61o 622 622 622 622 624 624 624 624 63a 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7bu 7bu 7bu 8pu
Game 1 (Win): Had no idea what I was facing, I even forgot to check the amount of cards in his deck until the very end so I didn't realize I was playing a stall until far later than I should have :
P. He had a pretty bad starting hand with 1 Pillar and I presume 0 Permafrosts. Not knowing if he had Discord or not, I played a Silence after he accumulated 3

to give my quanta some more time to build itself up. Ended up winning despite his Antimatter and Floodings thanks to Fractal and Silence spam. 1-0
Game 2 (Win): Amazing starting hand for me, still no Permafrost for JCJ. I managed to fly right by him this duel thanks to extremely early Frogs and Fractals with Silence support. 2-0
Game 3 (Loss): So up until this point I had yet to see him play Permafrost which I foolishly took to mean that it would be perfectly fine if I simply avoided playing cards until I could play enough Frogs in one turn to where I could simply chain Silences 3-4 turns in a row in order to kill him. I imagine my facepalm was the facepalm heard round the world after I witnessed him play Permafrost for the first time. Since I had discarded Fractals in order to make room for Frogs and Silences in my hand, there was simply no way that I could win after he played his shield. 2-1
Game 4 (Loss): Slow quanta start for me (considering the deck I was playing at least). There was a turn where JCJ had 5

stored up with 1 Pillar out. Out of desperation, I was begging the game not to let him draw another Pillar. The game heard my prayers and decided to give him a Pillar anyways. I therefore knew I had to start Silence chaining immediately in order to have a chance at winning. This tactic managed to get him down to 12 HP before he ultimately locked down my offense, putting him at 14 HP (I believe) next turn and then more and more on each of the following turns. Desync'd in the late game but by that point it was impossible for me to reach his HP anyways. 2-2
And now the real fun with desyncs begins.
Game 5a: Desync'd early on, before JCJ would have been able to play his shield. I started chaining Silences as soon as he had enough quanta to play Permafrost, which ultimately ended up giving me the damage I needed to win on my end. As JCJ was able to win on his end, we rematched.
Game 5b (Win): Desync'd early on again, before JCJ would have been able to play his shield. This time Flooding failed to make an appearance, making it much easier for me to spam damage at JCJ's HP. With JCJ also failing to draw Flooding in time on his side, it was ultimately my victory.
Great games and thanks for subbing, JCJ! I don't think there was a single duel after the 3rd where I didn't have an internal battle between deciding whether or not to play Silences on the off chance that you did have that blasted shield ready to make things hell for me again x)