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Game 1: Oh Fractal, Fractal, wherefore art thou Fractal? I don't draw Fractal until the very end, but Jenkar misplaying Deflag lets me dim shield to victory.
Game 2: Jenkar's turn to be missing Fractal. With no fractal from him, I get the win.
Game 3: 2 pend start, I get outrushed pretty bad, with a deflag from him to seal the game.
Game 4: I misplay and Fractal instead of Dim shielding and hoping to turtle. Who knows, he might have had more deflag.
Game 5: Amazing draw, and Jenkar draws Fractal too late.
Very intense games Jenkar, and maybe I'll get my own timezone right next time...
Glad to see that I didn't let our boasts in other thread down