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58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58q 58u 58u 59c 59c 5aa 5ur 5ur 5ur 5v1 5v1 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 7t9 7t9 7t9 8pt
GGs shock, these reverse sweeps better not become a habit
Not an easy match up for either of us. Both decks definitely had ways to win it, though I'd give the Fire deck a slight edge.
Game 1 (WIN):
The only game in which I won the toss. 2 pillar start meant I could start pushing with Golems, and though one Stiletto was exploded the second did well enough in the damage race to win it for me.
Game 2 (WIN):
Shock played a Rage Potion on a Guard early on to push damage, which left him without the CC to kill off my Nymph. The Nymph ended up completely locking down his board, leading to a comfortable win.
Game 3 (LOSS):
Shock was slightly slow to develop creatures this game. I kept the pressure on with Golems, but my Nymph was met with double Potions and in the end the coin toss was enough to win it for shock - I was 2 damage short.
Game 4 (LOSS):
Another game where an early Nymph was killed by double Potion. Good draws for both of us. I had a few Golems down and a Stiletto played when shock was left with only 1 Fire quanta, but double tower into a Deflag was a big tempo swing for him. It left him wide open to Nightmare, but it never came leading to a second coin toss loss.
Game 5 (LOSS):
This game was anything but close. Another lost toss with a slow draw for me, against what was probably the fastest draw from shock yet. I was forced into playing an early Nymph, but with only one prompty exploded dagger the game was already over.