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52h 52h 52r 52r 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 5oc 5ol 5ol 5on 5on 5on 5on 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5pu 713 713 713 713 713 713 8pr
Relatively danger-free games for me. I saw the entropy mark and immediately thought CP'd dunes. Was quite pleased it was deja-vu's with dragons. Never saw the entropy cards and what they were for. I'm assuming CP's still.
round 1 - Jen-i had a 1 pillar draw so this certainly helped. When he was at 2 time and 2 entropy i decided to play my wings just in case he nova'd and busted out a CP'd Dune. Didn't happen and deja vu's popped out. I started popping out spiders as my wings (or so i thought) blocked damage. Silly me. I looked at my health as my wings were almost done and i was at 86 as 4 deja-vu's had whittled me down. I sheepishly webbed them all played another wings and my 5 or 6 recluses with an OE ended the game.
round 2 - Jen-i had a better draw but it was much of the same. Wings, web deja-vu's wait. Only drew 1 recluse this time, but drew a dragon and an OE on the final turn. This game though i saw a graboid along with two dev's.
GG's Jen-i!