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I unbanned Graboids, EQ, and Reverse Time, since we had 3 defenders.
GGs, jijo, though I can't pretend they were at all fair.
Game 1: I started with only 2 pends and saw an Entropy duo, which after reviewing the banlist meant LA for sure. Lycans surprised me a tad as I kinda expected a deckouter, but they worked very well in my favor as I drew I believe all 6 RTs, and got him to spend quanta of both elements countless times and deny him tons of draws by using on Lycans after they "evolved." That kept going for a while, late in the game I had 5 Graboids out and was whittling him down 10 hp per turn but had run out of RTs. Fortunately I was able to get him down to 42 hp and burst out all 5 Shriekers + a Devonian for the win at around 25 hp.
Game 2: Had a 3 pend start this time with no Graboids, which I was lamenting, but as soon as he went for his turn and only played 1 solitary Darkness pillar, I was pretty sure I had the game. I drew a graboid and played it, then chose to play a dragon+EQ his only non-mark

sources, shutting off AMs. That plus a double RT on his Lycans to ensure he wasn't drawing out of it meant a not-very-exiting game.