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55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55n 55n 55s 55t 55t 55t 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 745 745 747 747 747 747 8pq
Game 1: No sancs. At all. Early Vagger OP
Game 2: Played 2 pends no pillars to get a 3rd turn sanc, sanced before he could mare. Beat him down with all 3 pulls. Early Vagger apparently not OP
Game 3: He had like 5 ghosts halfway through deck, Early vagger OP
Game 4: Got early sanc, he drew no vagger, and only 1 ghost in top half of deck. I had no gpulls, but still easy win.
Game 5: 2 quanta start (1 pillar, 1 pend), he was able to nightmare me with 2 ghosts before I got a sanc out. Nymph in top half of deck, as well as vagger, I drew 3 gpulls, but only guard was unupped, and I was too low on quanta to actually use them.