I have to remark and infinitely thank Kevkev's patience with my messed up schedule. College ain't easy this month.
Long story short, I saw the matchups, proceeded to crap my pants, and begged our deckbuilder for a non-stall deck. Fire is known to "stall harder" and my team seems to hate me since none of my decks so far have miracle or any healing mechanism xD so no stall today.
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We had like 4 desyncs including a funny win/glitch episode.
1) Early morning star for me, early fahren for Kev. EQ's rendered it useless, I played a dragon or two, can't recall... he ended bolting both and with 7hp reserved for the mighty star. I didn't play any SS.
2) No star in hand, but 3 dragons and 2 EQs~~ Stall stall stall stall. Stone skins prevented a OTK, we ended up Fahren / 3 dragons and star.
Good games, master of Fire. Always a honor to play with you.