So far I'm seeing 2 different reasons for claims that Warmasters made an incorrect call here. I'd like to directly analyze both of these arguments.
1) Players should play it out against a 30 Pillar deck.
Fine, that's plausible, but I could easily argue out as unnecessary due to
Attention everyone: I read this thread three times through and it turns out someone asked an on-topic question!
Event card question:
If a team were to suicide, would their opponent receive an event card bonus? If so, does it depend on their posted deck?
Warmasters will take a look at both decks and decide whether the matches need to be played out in order to determine opponent's Event Card success. ie if it's a 30 pillar deck versus a 31 pillar deck using the "Stall" Event Card, there's no need to play and opponent will be given the extra salvage. If opponent is using the "Rush" Event Card and your deck is mostly junk but has a couple mark-powered dimshields or something, we'll ask you to play it out. The silver lining is because you know you're going to lose, anyone on your team can sub.
When in doubt, play it out.
I'm surprised it isn't obvious that our deck is perfectly capable of killing a 30 Pillar deck in less than 13 turns. And given this fact in addition to what kev already stated above, I wouldn't think a match would be needed and that the call could just be made in our favor. If you're assuming that just because of this one incident that this is how all matches will be decided, then I advise you to think again.
If you're not convinced that our deck can win in less than 13 turns, I actually bothered to test before making this claim to make 100% sure that I was correct. Here are the results from the last game I played:
b. What Zeru already said. If you consider an illegal deck as the opponent not having a deck to play to begin with then in that case we win before the duel even started.
2) Because the opponent's deck was illegal, the entire Event bonus should be forfeit.
I really don't think it's fair for a team to lose out on a bonus like this just because the opposing team failed to catch a mistake somewhere. There's literally nothing that we could have done to prevent this from occurring, and that makes such a decision inexcusable.
Furthermore, let's consider the fact that for all duels where illegal decks are used, the Event Card bonus is forfeit. Now consider having the weaker teams purposely play illegal decks against the strongest team. This might seem inconceivable, but at this stage in War we have several teams already suiciding to opposing teams due to discarding, penalties, etc. In this case it would be beneficial for them to send this type of a deck against a team doing better than the rest given that there is a higher chance that they will not be able to create a deck that will not be countered by the top team. Therefore, that weaker team is now increasing their chances of defeating the other teams while preventing the strongest team from receiving additional cards to use from the event. That is a clear exploit and should be prevented from occurring entirely. Assuming that this Event Card is used again next War, that needed to be clarified.