Reverse Card "Understanding and Injury"
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Namesake of the deck, in case you're wondering. Because understanding that
nearly a third of the deck is deadweight for the particular matchup is more painful than almost any kind of non-lethal physical injuries. Well mindgated, Grav XP
L1: Grav/Light, with 6/1 Pill/Dam v sole Nova. Doesn't sound like a good opening for him (or me, either). Problem is, only after the second Sundial and a Titan is equipped I realized he's CataTitan'ing me (thus making Wings and RTs pointless). BF, I realized it that late either due to his abysmal quanta opening or my relative inexperience. And then he stoned me, thanks to Sundials.
L2: Damnit, four Dragons' opening! And then there were Sundials XP
L3: Three Dams opening. Hope it heralds something go-nope, Sundials before the stoning as always. Fighting when you know nearly a third of the deck is deadweight is painful, indeed ><