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I can honestly say I was completely thrown off by his deck. Oty's, gravity shields, EQs and maybe wardens were not seen in any of gravity's previous decks. Imagine my dismay! Completely counterdecked.
Game 1:
I saw Earth and predicted EQs, slow playing my pendula to follow, which were my only source of quanta. I felt good that I could still weather the storm at this point. I next saw a gravity shield pop and frowned at the worthless dragons unaccompanied by PC in my deck. I then played an eternity, followed by a pulverizer. Not looking good now, more frowning ensues. I play a GotP, followed by a vanadium warden, the frown begins to deepen. I RT the warden before he blows up my eternity. Just to rub it in, he plays an Oty, completely locking me down.
Game 2:
I can't imagine any way this game would have turned out well for me, and it didn't (frown). I hoped to get an early eternity and sader out, soon enough to put some damage on him early and turn around any of his wardens. This didn't happen of course and I waved the white flag early on (omega-frown).
Great counter TNG. Well played my friend, and good luck going forward!