Game 4 Started and was going well for a few turns and then desync'd and ITR and I told Annele to play the game out and get a screenie. (which she did with a win) Terro chose to quit on his end and not play the AI. Annele has posted that screenie.
Game 5 Just as above. Annele won vs AI and took screenie. Terro says he won but he can't provide screenie because he's not familiar with XP and he was also working on a presentation at the same time and copied something else into the clipboard before he saved the screenie.
Team Fire was trying to decide what to do at this point but the chatlog between Terro and Annele became a bit much for us. (yes, we have the chatlog) I told Annele to make the post, bid you good night and best of luck for the rest of War, but she didn't... After some inner deliberation, she decided to play you one last time.
So, Terro... of Games 4 and 5... which are you contesting?
Game 4? Where a 3 time Master, who's been in many Wars, neglected to simply play out a match vs AI and get a screen cap? (a common practice and something that's also mentioned in Section 3.5 of the rules).
Game 5? Where you were obviously so busy with a presentation, while you were playing an 'important' war match, that you (and your lack of knowledge for Win XP) couldn't even save a screenie mere seconds after you captured it?
1 Screenie... just 1 screenie and I'd say play it... but with back to back chances, you have no screenie.....
Best of luck to you and the rest of your Team in War, Terro.
Spoiler for Disclaimer:
For those of you who don't know me well, I do not argue without reason, and most of the time and not so vocal. I don't wheedle people over and over or punish them for the tiniest of mistakes, and I don't do any cheating of any kind ever, because that's simply not fair, and if I'm not fair, then what right do I have to ask you to be? But that's the thing. I am fair. I've forfieted many matches the rules didn't say I had to, and lost many to the rules when I should have won. I've never been anything but fair, and because of that, I do get the right to ask the same of you. After all, it's only fair.
Clearly, Annele has misinformed you about the nature of the match 4, or is confused. Since you were communicating with Annele throughout the process, you would know that well over 15 times I got into the PvP match while Annele didn't, so when it happened for the nth time that she timed out turn 1, why would I even make the attempt to play the AI? If the logic and rules we're following are such that I should have played the AI there, then I also should have played it all the times Annele was never in game, which is plainly stupid.
Again, with match 5, you are misinterpreting the chat log, deliberately or not. You may know that the match, due to all this frivolous and wasteful arguing, took well over 2 hours to complete, and kept me awake well past 1 AM. The match could easily have been done in 30-40 minutes max, without such time-wasting. And in fact, I am extrenely knowledgible about windows XP. My statement was that I would be able to retrieve the screenshot from my clipboard if I was using Windows XP, because it has a clipbrd.exe that allows you to do so, and my current operating system does not. Not sure why/how you turned that into what you did.
In addition to all this, I really don't mess around with screenies or forfieting of any sort in Elements.
Never in all my years have I tried to claim the win from my opponent disconnecting, playing the wrong mark, failing to get a screenie, ect. It is just not the moral thing to do, in practically any scenario. The way Elements works, and I believe is meant to work, is that 2 players do clash strategically and do their best to win. Their play, and the RNG, decides the victor. No pictures, rules, or anything else. There are, essentially, 2 options:
A) The match is played out, and whichever side wins wins, and does so honestly and without any dispute.
B) If you guys really think you
deserve this win, that you earned it with a smart counter deck and good play, then you can keep arguing and shoot for the dishonest win.
It's times like this that people get far too focused on the rules and forget the reason the rules exist in the first place; that is, to make things fair. If they are impeding that purpose, which is certainly the case if Fire is given the free win here, then I don't think we can call them good rules.