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Procrastinate ALL the war matches!
Game 1a: Desync
Game 1b: Blew up his stuff & outrushed him. 5 pend start vs. 1 = win. Elemental Mastery.
Game 2: 1 pend start for me = lose. Tried to throw out an eternity late that got blown up.
Game 3: Decent draw for both. I played an eternity midway that got bolted. I thought this meant I would outrush w/o CC, but he beasted a perfect draw and won by 1 turn.
Game 4: I had no EQ and no Eternity so I knew I was just gonna be rushing. 2 upped grabbies came out turn 3, dragon came out turn 4. Cruised to the win.
http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/381/wingame4.pngGame 5: Weird start for both. I had a 2 pend start, but he had a 3 pillar start. I think the normal strategy with my deck vs. his would be outrush and win, but I had no choice but to try and EQ turn 3 and slow down his dragons. I had 2 eternities in hand so I felt good about this and it was my only shot to win. He got way ahead early. I played an eternity that got bolt frozen (3/3 during these matches btw, what are the odds?). When it unfroze I got a chance to rewind a big steamer before he exploded the next turn. By this time he had few quanta, no damage, and I had grabs ready to swarm everywhere. I played my 2nd eternity and began the long road to an epic comeback. I had 32 HP and he had around 80+ or something at this point, but the win was fairly sealed without any late-game heroics from his deck.
GG's Gillero, you really made me sweat, both with your deck and you + bogtro's tardiness!
Gl to team water.