It's just a lot better sportsmanship to replay, also usually saves a lot of time if both players agree because most of the time both players win against the AI and are forced to replay anyway. I think Shinki, under normal circumstances, would accept a replay tbf but where he's down three upgrades and this is a rather important match, its very clear to see why they would take the win. GGs.
At one point I Pmed dark ripper saying something along these lines, I hate to claim a technical victory like that. My main reasoning for continuing to play after such an early desync was that my hand was perfect and he didn't seem to have any novas(or maybe he only has one?), I didn't want to give up the opportunity so I requested we play it out knowing that both players have to agree to a replay.
The moment dark ripper said he left after desync, I felt really bad for him because I knew that I had to claim the victory or I would risk letting my team down in the next 2 games. I was really stuck between a rock and a hard place here, and I appreciate that people are respecting our decision, as unsportsmanlike as it may be.
Here is the screenshot from the last match, only one nova on his side all game and no golems that I remember: