After such a match when I comment it we get an "I’m not even going to discuss this". I'm disappointed.
Let me elaborate. You're not the only one who got or gets shafted by RNG. Both of the games I lost could easily have turned the other way if my series draws were at least somewhat normal, but you conveniently slipped that through while ranting in chat post-match.
Mentioned everything in description here.
Yes, my eggs were good. But which of these hatches actually mattered? The Charger and the Crawler came in games where I lost anyway. The Light Dragon was pretty good. The Warden didn't matter as all I did was guarding a Micro Abomination. The Obsidian Dragon was also a nice one, and the Turq Nymph showed up in G5 at a point where I already had you just where I wanted to with Eternity controlling the board. I'd win that one even with a RoL hatch.
Don't do that Oa. You are telling me not respecting my opponent meanwhile you are trying to prove me that your hatches DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING? C'mon. You are better than that.
I hate how you are talking about a Light Dragon and an Obsidian Dragon like they are everyday stuff from Eggs. And you did guard a Micro Abo since I haven't got anything else
fielded, and once my grabs arrived you already had double dragons... uh yeah, and despite the fact I had 2 Wardens in deck, you got those 2. LOL.
Also don't forget I had 2 explos - none of them showing up last game. 3 Discos, non of them showing up. 3 BHs, but no quanta for it. No Fog. Nothing. Without those Turqs you don't have any
damage, I could just wait until I get explo or smth, not playing anything.
Look, I'm not trying to be harsh. You know me pretty well by now, I'm a light hearted and laidback dude. But it's pretty demotivating to be on the receiving end of a long string of messages where you try to guilt me after winning a match that, in my eyes, even was pretty evenly sided.
You know, that's what disappoints me. I'm not in the mood to calculate the chance of such hatches, have less mood for extra testing (hint: our deck is good vs nm).
You don't have to have guilt when you have good rng. Not even when it decides a battle. But trying to explain me, that it is normal. Really. That's why I'm disappointed.
I remember having godly rng and excusing my opponent. Nevermind.
Of course I wasn't going to discuss this after the match, we'd never agree anyway, and it's just energy draining. I'm here to have fun. I'm not having fun when my opponent tries to devalue my wins like in this case.
I'm also here to have fun. So far we lost 2 games due to rng. * Fun times. On top of that: "hey, our good rng didn't matter!" And everyone thinking all of my complainings are unbearable: be happy that you have a different life.
Won't elaborate further.

can argue that we won 1 because of good rng, which is somewhat true, that would have been a 2-3, but don't forget the minimum 2 mutations / elf.