Not enough. And I just noticed something.
Same deck we played against
last round (I think). Kurohami was playing adrenaline staffs, so this was pretty much the perfect counter. Titanium shield stopped the few druidic staves that made it past earthquake. I luckily also had 2 more cards than Kurohami.
What the HELL are you talking about? When you say "perfect counter" don't you really mean "had two more cards"? Let's be clear here. We knew this deck was coming. And we knew it was a deckout deck. So instead of even bothering trying to hit you with, I dunno, strong hitters, we ALSO took a deckout deck. And might I just say your deck was pretty goddamn screwed.
A SINGLE stave was enough to outheal everything you could have possibly hit at us.
We could have packed three damn RELICS in here and instead of having to chose which to warriors sit out next round, we'd be enjoying getting light pillars back.
So get off your high horse. You didn't win this one because your deck was any good. You won this one because Earth had wiped out so many cards, we simply couldn't afford to take any more.
T'was the perfect counter Gl1tch. I'll explain why
Game one, we actually beat you by damage, that could also have happened game 3 if you had decked us out in game two
Also, saying that "IF we packed these cards, we would have won", is silly. When I first played Gemini, I didn't have a RoF in my deck, and I ended up losing because of about 6 phase recluses attacking me. If I'd had a RoF or two, I would most likely have won. The same situation here. If you packed 3 more cards, you MIGHT have won. Not necessarily, because the cards come out different every shuffle, and those Relics could have upset the balance.
We were expecting a flying staff deckout deck, so we made our deck even larger than we predicted you would make it. It worked.
Oh, and a Single staff wouldn't be enough, even with Adrenaline. That's 20 heal, and we were capable of 27 damage per turn.
Sorry, but it's the facts. Better luck next time.