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So I went with a 34 card stall deck, with a deckout option. Jumba took a sort of suicide deck (Grav/Light with 6 Armagios and Miracles) that might stand a chance vs. a slower 30-card deck (Or one with low damage and no healing). The first game he quit due to my getting all 5 Stone Skins up early, then throwing out a Miracle while he already had all 6 Armagios and his Titan out, which was apparently his only attacking force.
The second time I got all 3 Glories out Early, and ended up getting a quite glorious screenshot (Thanks Jumba ^^) of his empty field against my 349 hp, Miracle in hand, and 3 Gloreis finishing him off.
ggs Jumba, sort of. I'd have enjoyed playing you with a real deck.