All is fair in love and war, my friend. And boy, do I love war!
:/ basically same deck I used with EAs
and against the same opp.
the only thing left for earth is for the master of earth to own the master of gravity and claim the 12th victory
-_-.... hope it doesn't happen...
I expect terro won't dissapoint...and if he does most of team earth is aiming for his master title next trials. 
Yeah Gli1tch, we would have used a different deck if our other good Life counters weren't taken. We did almost use the Phase Shield stall, and if we had it all would have come down to how fast you could get a momentum mutant, and that would havce been the decider, pure luck. (Unless an early Fractal+Shrieker came out).
Alright, I still haven't told anyone besides Jumba and my team, but I'm not actually going to play him, as I'm incredibly busy this week, and I'm only on for ~10-15 mins now just to check if everything is working smoothly.