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Don't have time to give screenshots or descriptions, but they were some epic games. Really though, we only had such a good chance to win because gocubbies couldn't play with 6 upgraded cards (Minor Phoenixes).
Game 1:
I got a very good draw with 4 Poisons in my opening hand. It helped to keep the game from going too long. A last second Plague+Bone Wall combo helped me survive till the end.
Game 2:
After finding out he had Fractal Phoenixes in the first game, I knew I had to be very careful in how I timed my cards. Unfortunately, I actually started with a slow offensive, only getting 1 Poison and 1 Arsenic in the first couple turns but then nothing until about 12 cards left. He Deflag'd the Arsenic right away. So I had 3 Poison on him until I was down to about 12 cards or so and then 5 poison until about 6 cards left. Basically, I was holding on to dear life hoping he would deck-out before all my Bone Walls and Sundials ran out. I won with 1 card left. I wish I had recorded the game because it was pretty intense.
With a clogged hand early on, I had to waste a couple of my Sundials. I cleared the field once before this screenie with a Plague+Bone Wall combo.
Up to this point, I tried to hold on to my Plague as long as possible. I wanted him to Fractal as many times as possible and waste as much Fire quanta as possible ablazing his Spirits.
But I almost lost everything when he Deflag'd my Sundial!
A couple more Sundials in the end helped tide me over until the Poison
finally killed him, one turn before deck-out. : P