there really wasnt much you could do with the cards you had TII. i am surprised at the outcome none the less.
to the contrary, I could have won the first game if I had not made mistakes
this deck was meant to counter immo phoenix decks, believe it or not
i see it should have countered but still only 3 armagio hurts the draw %. After a game it is always easy to say, "I could have done that" but during the game itself it might have been a toss up and you took a risk.
I don't usually mind losing, unless:
1) I was in a really bad mood
2) lost due to RNG
3) I made mistakes that costed my win
by "mistakes", I don't mean in-game decisions that went wrong in the end, that happens, you don't know what your opponent has in his hand (this is why I like precognition), and you can only assume
here, I made mistakes beyond that
first game: I got an armagio, I was in a fairly comfortable position, I was supposed to accel armagio, wait a few turns for it to grow, then use LS
due to total forgetfulness, and unpreparedness prior to the match, I used them both in the same turn (accel first, followed by LS), ending up with vampiric armagio with 1 attack...