I subbed this game due t conektion problems, but my conektion failed to. We was onlu able to play out 1 whole match, sorry for that Torb.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4sm 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58r 58r 58v 58v 58v 591 591 593 593 593 593 593 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 77a 77a 77a 8pl
Game 1: Good draw, pulvy in hand, golem and lots of pillar/pends. Only problem I continued drawing pulcy and pillar/pends, no damage no win, gg.
Game 2: Pulvy(the key card) in hand, good damage and enough pends. We disconekted half way but since I beat ai and he had problems iwht mine I got the win.
Game 3: Went like second game.
Game 4: disconekt again, to early so restart. Got pulvy in starthand again,gg.
GG's Torb, hard countered here, also thank you for lettign me win even disconekt.