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Close games, both of them. Definitely got lucky.
Game 1: Forgot to take a screen shot. Early Vamp Stiletto and Fog Shield helped me save up, as he played a few creatures and a Discord. 2 Maxwell's Demons when I decided to evolve my Graboids and play my Lava Golems. Grav Pull'd one Demon with Chaos Seed, Froze the other. Had enough damage on the board to take him out, Fog Shield helping me throughout the match.
Game 2: Had 6 Pends and 2 Golems as a starting hand, which gave Discord a lot of quanta to spread around. Chipped away with Vamp Stiletto again, but he had plenty of damage on the board. What I thought was 3 turns from death, I made my move, playing a 3rd Graboid, evolving 2, and playing 2 Lava Golems (I think). Up against one Maxwell's to take one out per turn. Then he played a Dragon, and ended his turn, and suddenly my health bar was all yellow with not enough damage for the kill. Then... bam. Drew a Fog Shield, survived his next turn, and had barely enough damage on the table for the win.
With only one Fog Shield in this deck, I got pretty lucky here. Good games, DSSCRA.
Second game screenshot