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...and doggone it, people like me!
Yup, so that was my first War win. Only been trying since March to get one, not too bad, right? To the synopses!
Game 1: I see the death mark and immediately assume it's Fire's Bonebolt. I get a good pend draw, the critters follow, I Deflag an Arsenic or two, break down a Bone Wall, get a Golem 'bolted, break down another, killed him before the Poison got me. Only one BB clogged my hand. 1-0
Game 2: Another decent draw, pattern pretty much followed the same as the first game. While I only had two Deflags in my deck, apparently they liked me since they flocked to my hand constantly. 2-0
Game 3: There was a noted shift in TFO's playstyle here, and I don't know if he thought of it himself or someone coached him to it, but whomever did should be given a raise, as it turned what was a lopsided match to his favor. Granted, it wasn't a great draw on my part (2 pend start, both BBs clogging my hand, 2 RPs and not enough critters), but the fact remains that I still would've won had TFO concentrated on trying to kill Golems. 2-1
Game 4: Brutal start on my part. Brutal. One pend, didn't get another for 3-4 turns, had to discard a couple of Phoenixes, died pretty quickly. 2-2 Epic 5th game upcoming.
And then, TFO was whisked away by Phoenixes to a magical land where


live in peace and harmony. There would be no epic 5th game that evening. One of the worst nights of sleep I've ever had.
Game 5: Epic start on my part. 5 pends in my opening hand, Golem played next turn, Phoenix and pend on the next, more Golems and Phoenixes followed. There really wasn't anything he could do to stop me, but his Bone Wall did slow me down by a turn and a half. In the end, a combination of five Golems and Phoenixes finished the job.
To Team

: I can't tell you how long we went round and round over this matchup, this was as epic as we could have hoped, it really was a shame that either team had to lose. To TFO, you're a helluva(n) opponent, it's been an honor.
To Team

: Hellz yeah! Great round, my compatriots, glad I could bring this one home for us!
This is my Pulvy....