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4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 590 590 590 5c1 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f6 5fa 5fa 5fb 5fb 5gi 5gi 5gi 5og 74e 77g 7do 7ds 7th 7th 8pm
Good Games Marisa. Very exciting indeed. Congratulations to you and the rest of your team for making it this far. I'll be the first to admit I doubted you :\ Thanks for proving me wrong!
Game 1 - Time OutMy connection was slow and this was probably my fault. Here

is a screenshot of what I had, but we replayed it anyway because the AI is too silly to be trusted.
Game 2 - WinThis game Marisa started off with a HUGE pile of quanta generators, and the Cointoss. My start was much slower and I figured I was doomed, but I did have 1 Firestorm and 1 Nightmare ready for action. Turn 3, whe had 2 cards in hand and I could have Nightmared, ending the game right there, but I was doubting that she had the combo. She did. I simply had way too many creatures for her Lightnings to keep up with though, I used Nightmare essentially as Direct Damage to end the game sooner. I was also holding my single deflag so a Dim Shield would have been meaningless. (Sorry, I always forget screenshots)
Game 3 - WinThis time I went first. I had 2 Rage Potions in my openning hand. I was fuming that Fire has Minor Phoenixes that could have been picked up for the event card easily, but I don't think that's allowed. Those would have been much more useful. But, I brought out my first Grabby and Evolved/Nightmared it right as Marisa could play Fractal. I then killed of 2 MP's with Rage Potions and when 6 of them were on the field, I topdecked a FireStorm. Again 1 Lightning cost me a Grabboid, but I simply drew too many creatures too fast for her to manage them. I didn't have Deflag this game, so Dims may have turned the tide. (Sory, I always forget screenshots.)
In all 3 games I managed a decently early Firemaster (How fitting!) and in the two that weren't desynchs, the Fire Storm. Always with plenty of creatures to keep up the pressure. I'm going to have to say I had some pretty amazing RNG here. Good Games to you again Marisa, it's been a good war fighting out there along side you. It's unfortunate we had to end each other, but hey, we're still friends, right!

War # 3 is now offiicially over. Congratulations to all participants for all their hard work. I hope War # 3 was enjoyable enough to come back next war, because I'm looking forward to meeting you all on the battlefield once more! But for now, let us just be friends. Truce?