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Good games.
I was pretty happy to see double thunderstorm in my hand to start, but 2 pillar start and lost toss vs 2 quick devourers had me worried. I was forced to drop one storm early, before fractal, and used the second to clear up the first fractal. Physs had to wait a while to build up Aether quanta for the second fractal, whilst I built up a quanta bank and developed an EE. Second fractal comes, I drop two shocks and use the EE to narrowly avoid a quanta lock. I'm in good shape if Physs doesn't get a third fractal in his top 17 cards. He doesn't, so I have enough time to take full control.
Lost toss. Monster draw for Physs. Lots of quanta to start, into early fractal on devourers. I stormed the first bunch, but a second came soon after. I was just about holding on, but 3rd fractal in 14 cards was the final nail in my coffin.
Lost toss. Physs throws down a devourer early, and I have a really hard decision between shockwaving it or trying to catch it in a big thunderstorm after the first fractal. I choose to shockwave it. Physs plays another, and I topdeck a shockwave to deal with that one too. Physs doesn't draw another devourer in the top half or so, so an easy win from that point.
Won toss. My best draw of all the games, and the worst for Physs. I got a turn 2 EE out, and had built up a good quanta store by the time Physs could fractal. Sadly for him, he has no fractal, and doesn't draw one in the top half of his deck. Our least close game.