Shall we just roll a D12 before next War to determine a winner? Seems to work just as well as battling for 3 months!
I find this pretty insulting to my team, me, deuce's team, him, and 10 men's team and him. Basicly to anyone who put tons of effort in this war and was rewarded by it.
How convenient then that I never felt insulted the countless times Aether blamed a loss vs us on RNG. 
Nevertheless, congratz to you guys, the strongest decks won.
RNG is a part of war, and luck at the right times is necessary to win war (or any pvp event really). I am not offended by anthraxx's comment at all since nearly half of our matches against each other were determined by RNG (at least imo).
I have great respect for 10 men, and for

as an element. You guys pushed us to the limit all 12 rounds.
Gratz on starting War with 18 Dimensional Shields!
For what it's worth, we had 19 dim shields a couple rounds ago and had to convert 10 of them. And if you go back and look at our decks through the rounds, we used dims a lot less than you would think.