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2 relics used.
Game 1: Saw aether mark and fat deck, and was both happy and sad at the same time. NM, 3 phoenix and dragon in opening hand, had a steal for his first eternity (misplayed here by playing fahren before eternity), and soon had enough for lethal.
Game 2: He changed tactics with an early dragon out, but I had all three steals drawn and he never drew eternity, so it was smooth sailing.
Game 3: His early eternity was quite menacing, and he rewinded all three of my MPs. Luckily I had a drag and steal in hand already, and soon drew into the second and an nm. When his dim chain expired, it sealed the fate of team Time.
Good games Kuro, and good war Team Time. You guys truly made an iconic standing, finishing the work started back in War 5. Best of luck in the future guys!
And now, on to the final stage. Victory belongs to the most persevering