Epic MacGuyver COMEBACK!!!

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4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 61q 61r 61r 61r 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77l 7dm 7dm 81q 81q 81q 8pm
I knew RNG was going to be a deciding factor, but this was borderline ridiculous. Game 3 was probably the only normal game.
Game 1
LOSS - no novas in top 14 cards...gg
Game 2
LOSS - initial hand was 5 pends and 2 novas, then no grabbies in top 14...gg
Game 3
WIN - near perfect hand for me. Evolved 2 grabbies and PU'd another, but he had no RTs, so easy win.
Game 4
WIN - PlayerOa had 1 pill draw. I never beat a 1 pill draw in testing, and I tested over 100 matches. I drew a lot of grabbies and 2 PUs, plus a later deflag for his vamp dagger. Won by a turn, I think.
Game 5
WIN - PlayerOa had a 1 pend draw this game. Early vamp dagger trolled. I had 4 pends, a couple grabbies and 2 PUs. I evolved the grabbies early to lure out RTs and prevent ghosts from popping out. He only RT'd 2 shriekers, so I had 2 shriekers vs his dagger for a while. He RT'd 2 more and popped a ghost out as I drew a lightning. Opted not to PU instead of kill his ghost since I was in good position. nightmare never came for him, which would have made things much much closer.
ggs PlayerOa! And I look forward to a General v. General final battle royale, winner take all!